At Snider-Blake we value our employees.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do you pay your employees?
1. Direct Deposit – we recommend that all employees utilize direct deposit whenever possible. It is safer, easier, and your funds may be available earlier on payday.
2. We offer a VISA payroll card to employees as well. This works like a debit card. You are sent a VISA debit card when you enroll. Your payroll funds are loaded on to it every pay day, and you can use it at all locations where VISA is accepted. There is a nominal fee charged by our third party provider of this service. For questions, please contact a Healthcare Recruiter.
Where can I view my pay stubs online?
To See Your Pay Stub Go to: http://www.snider–
Your login and password are your first initial, the first 4 letters of your last name and the last 4 digits of your social security number.
For Example: If your name was Joseph Westerville and your social security number was 123-45-6789, Your Login and password would be: jwest6789. The first time you log in, you will be prompted to change your password online.
How do I fill out my timesheets? And when are they due?
Some clients utilize web-based punch in/punch out systems and some simply require that you fill our paper weekly time sheet (which can be found under employee forms), be signed off by a supervisor, and turned in to Snider–Blake no later than Monday at 5:00 PM. Snider–Blake will instruct all employees who are on the web based time system how to use the system upon their orientation.
When are you available to help employees?
Call your local branch at any time. Snider–Blake will do everything in its power to return your call promptly.
If I can’t make it to work, what should I do?
We care about our employees and if you are stranded somewhere or need help, we want to be there for you. Second, we can make arrangements to cover your shift or provide other options that make sense for everyone.
What about bad weather and natural disasters? What do I do?
We believe in safety first. If you ever feel you are in danger, or it would be dangerous to go to work, please ensure you and your families safety first, then call us as soon as possible.
With so many employees on assignment around the country, it would be difficult to list notices on radio or television, so please call your local office for instructions.
What if I have a problem while I am on an assignment?
Call your local Snider–Blake branch immediately so we can help you. You are our employee and we want to assist you in any way possible.
We recommend you program your local Snider–Blake branch’s phone number in your cell phone so you have it always.